Προτάσεις ...

... By preferring what i am doing here and now, simply by giving it my time and attention, by giving priority to my work or my activity as a citizen or professorial and professional philosopher, writing and speaking here in a public language, French in my case, I am perhaps fulfilling my duty. But i am sacrificing and betraying at every moment all my other obligations: my obligations to the other others whom i know or don't know, the billions of my fellows [semblables] (without mentioning the animals that are even more other than my fellows) who are dying of starvation or sickness. I betray my fidelity or my obligations to other citizens, to those who don't speak my language and to whom i neither speak nor respond, to each of those who listen or read, and to whom i neither respond nor address myself in the proper manner, that is to say in a singular manner (this for the so-called public space to which i sacrifice my so-called private space), thus also to those i love in private, my own, my family, my sons, each of whom is the only son i sacrifice to the other, every one being sacrificed to every one else in this land of Moriah that is our habitat every second of every day. ...

("the gift of death", Jacques Derrida)